
Saravia Frías Law Firm has developed alliances to ensure effective regional and global reach.

A network of top-level law firms throughout Argentina allows us to provide immediate solutions wherever needs arise. We understand the idiosyncrasy of each province and their business environment. Due to our federal vision, we are familiar with local regulations and how to interact with their governments and their judicial systems.

At the international level, we work for LATAM with one of the main law firms in Mexico providing legal solutions across the continent at competitive values.

Local Alliances

  • Sanz, Fernandez y Alonso Abogados (Mendoza)
  • Martinez Crespo Abogados (Córdoba)
  • Colombres Garmendia Abogados (Tucumán)
  • AER Abogados (Rosario)
  • Saravia Frías Abogados (Salta)
  • Iribarne Abogados (Neuquén)
  • Morando Abogados (Chubut)
  • Etchegaray Abogados (Mar del Plata)
  • Lovera Abogados (Formosa)
  • Vargas Galindez Abogados (Mendoza)
  • Serrano Abogados (Chaco)
  • Lopez Acuña Abogados (Catamarca)
  • Bastías Abogados (San Juan)
  • Zurueta Abogados (Jujuy)
  • Busaniche Abogados (Santa Fe)
  • Cornejo Abogados (Salta)
  • Olmedo Barrios Abogados (La Plata)
  • Zavalía Abogados (Santiago del Estero)
  • Spadano Abogados (Mar del Plata)
  • Dominguez Posse Abogados (Tierra del Fuego)

International Alliance